Monday, November 25, 2019

A quick simple guide to becoming healthier and happier at work

A quick simple guide to becoming healthier and happier at work We spend almost 8 hours at work every day  and about 6 of those hours we are sitting at a desk with little to no activity. Sitting at a desk for long periods of time is not healthy for our bodies and it is not recommended. We need to get our blood flowing and while sitting in a bad posture and eating unhealthy foods does not help; we do have healthy alternatives. With little changes such as standing desks, 5 minutes of activity, and swapping sugary drinks for more water, we can help our bodies stay healthy. Being happy and healthy at work increases productivity and your overall mood at work. Healthy employees are happy employees! Here are some great tips for becoming healthier and happier at work.Source [ Ultimate Mats ]

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Strategic Leadership on Alliance or Vertical Integration Case Study on Essay

Strategic Leadership on Alliance or Vertical Integration Case Study on Cisco Systems - Essay Example It also wanted to use the expertise of employees of acquired companies. Cisco's employee friendly policies was instrumental to its success. This acquisition policy has played a key role in the swift development of hardware components used in the Internet field. As all the acquired companies had their own infrastructure and clientele base, it helped Cisco in development and expansion. Although it maintained its leadership role in the market, yet this did not deter it from entering into partnerships with other manufacturing and software designing companies. Morgridge's philosophy proved very successful. The strategy of integration with competitors and other associated companies have made Cisco a world leader in the field of Internet and IT. 2. Hi Writer, I think this framework will help you better. Forget about the write up. Please help to identify all the factors and analyze why it is important from the perspective of customer, employer and writer. I am very sorry, but when reading your paragraph, I am not clear even after reading a few times how to pluck the factors into the following table. This is exactly what the question is asking for. Thanks. 3) Many factors favor the purchase of INS. INS is a leading network consulting company with about 2000 employees. Most of them are senior professionals in their field of expertise. It is a rapidly growing company with very good market share.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 11

Final Exam - Essay Example Pain is one such emotion that will serve as a permanent reminder for the culprit thereby compelling an intuitive behavior change. In their own unique explanations, the two authors explain the need for reforming a behavior before reintroducing an individual into the society. According to the two, effective punishments further serve examples to the rest of the population in the society thus deterring any similar undesired behaviors. In chapter 20, Joshua Green and Jonathan Cohen explain the relationship between punishments and neuroscience. Criminal offenders require effective mental evaluation before recommending appropriate punishments. Through effective psychiatric evaluation, the jurists and correctional facilities will understand the unique behavior patterns of every individual criminal thus designing an appropriate corrective measure. The two contend that the primary objective of punishment is to reform behavior. This requires the concerted effort of effective punishments coupled with appropriate psychological counselling in order to develop a coherent individual who will appreciate the societal values. Neuroscience thus helps devise effective punishments that will not only make the offenders acknowledge their mistakes but also reform their behaviors in case of their reintroduction into the society â€Å"effective punishments result in permanent reformation of behaviors† (Tony 243) In explaining the role of punishment, Lode Walgrave appreciates reintroduction of the criminals into the society. He therefore vouches for restorative justice, which he explains will provide justice to the aggrieved parties by punishing the culpable individuals but also reforms the individuals thereby creating a cohesive society in which people take responsibility of their actions. Restorative justice is thus a holistic approach to punishment since it infuses reformation and healing into punishment. The key

Monday, November 18, 2019

Management Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Management Communication - Essay Example Good managers must also act as good leaders. The leadership role that is played by the manager is one of the most important functions that have to be performed by the management. In playing the role of a leader, the manager is involved in various activities that relate to lead the organization to function in a particular direction. The management works to provide direction for the organization on various issues. Great managers are also great leaders. Therefore they play the role of leading others who are under their influence. There have been raging debates on the issue of whether leaders are born or they are made. But one of the most important thing to realize here is that the role of leadership is based on some important skills that an individual posses and some which an individual learns in the process. This is because to be a good leader one does not require one attribute but is made up of specific array of attributes. A good leader must have the confidence to stand in front of other and provide them with direction. A good leader must be able to think in the sense that they must be able to gather, sort and structures information before passing it on to others. They must be able to develop a vision for the organization. ... However the most important aspect of any leader is that they must be able to communication effectively with others. This has been considered as the watershed capacity in leadership. This is because the leader plays the role of informing others, convincing others, uniting others, motivating others and directing others. These things require the leader to have effective communication skill in order to show others where the organization is heading. The effectiveness of a leader lies in their power to inform and persuade others which helps them to win battles for the hearts and the minds of the employees. (Baldoni, 2007) Good leaders are effecting because they have the power to convince others. They use a variety of strategies in order to convince others to follow them. Good managers ensure that they are good listeners and they other time to express themselves. They also ensure that they don't rush to make judgments. They will also ensure that there is an effective feedback mechanism in the organization. For example a good leader will ensure that they talk directly with their workers instead of using mediators. In this way they are able to learn the mood and response of the workers. Strategic organization communication Communication in an organization is very strategic in the sense that is one of the strategic factors that determine the viability of the performance of the organization. It is one of the components of organization strategy and it helps an organization to function even in difficult situations. It is strategic in the sense that it requires to be planned in advance as a part of the overall growth strategy of the organization. It is also strategic in the sense that it will have to be changed on the process of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Planning for Material Deliveries in Construction

Planning for Material Deliveries in Construction Construction  projects are becoming progressively larger and more complex in terms of physical size and cost, hence the risks and potential for losses require better control. Project management has evolved mainly because of the need to control costs and schedule (Chen  and Griffis at el, 2012). In the latest construction world a proper project management should give an overall success to the specific project within the constraints of cost, time, schedule, quality and the safety measurements. Project management plays a major role not only in the architectural and engineering industry but also the development of infrastructure of each and every country. (Edum-Fotwe and McCaffer, 2000). According to Risku and Karkkainen (2006) material delivery is one of the major parts of project management because materials are consuming huge amount of the construction cost. According to Asad (2005) Poor materials management can result in increased costs during construction. Efficient management of materials can result in substantial savings in project costs. Therefore Rivera (2004) stated Materials are major part of the construction project and the special concern should be provided from the planning stage of the project to end of the project. In the construction projects; amount of required materials cannot be reduced because it will affect the quality of the project. Meanwhile uncertainty is there in material supply due to the price fluctuations and availability of the certain materials. Therefore Sun, Liu and Lan (2011) suggested the material procurement planning (MPP) which is deals with the problem that purchasing the right quantity of material from the right supplier at the right time, a purchaser can reduce the cost for materials via a reasonable MPP model. Here the purchasing of material at the right time is one of the key elements of MPP. Risku and Karkkainen (2006) stated that the latest project management systems for construction projects facing new set of challenges in the delivery process of construction material. Mainly two requirements are expected for proper material delivery process. Those are transparency to material availability, and short response time in the material supply chain. Now a days the major challenge in the construction industry is delay in material delivery which is cause to the late completion of the project (Assaf and Al-Hejji 2005). A proper plan in material delivery and inventory management should be scheduled in the initial stage of the project plan and it can be lead to reduce the delay in material delivery in construction projects (Construction best management, 2008). Therefore this study will carry out on a delay in delivery of materials in BOI approved construction project. According to this study examine the delivery of material in projects under planning function and management. 2.2. Important of purchasing appropriate materials According to the definition provided by McConville (as cited in Hadikusumo et al., 2005, pp  48), purchasing is a fundamental function of material procurement that refers to the acquisition of goods and services and an establishment of mutually acceptable terms and conditions between a seller and a buyer. As far as the construction industry is concerned, purchasing can occur in all phases of a construction project. The purchasing function of a construction firm is central to materials management and specially includes the commitment of project funds for construction materials. Construction materials occupy a significant part of the constructions value contributing nearly 50%. Thus when selecting construction materials, it is very important that painstaking decisions should be made. Even though typically 10 to 15%, but up to 45% (WRAP, 2007) of the total materials ordered for construction projects are either unused or end-up as waste. Therefore purchasing the appropriate material is getting more important. Purchased materials and services typically represent the largest single element of cost in a company which stresses the importance of purchasing (Ibid and pooler et al, 2004 cited Otterheim, strand, 2007) The purchasing department may also contribute to a competitive position in more indirect ways. The indirect contributions may be in Reduction of quality costs Production standardization Stock reduction Increasing flexibility and fostering purchasing synergy The indirect contributions have often in practice saved more money than the indirect savings on purchasing prices (Van Weele, 2005 cited Otterheim, strand, 2007) 2.3. Significance of material procurement process According to Sun and Liu et al (2009) the process of obtaining raw materials from outside suppliers is considered as material procurement. This process consumes more cost of total operating capital. Now a day fast track approach is used to reduce the project schedule. The procurement process is very important and should be carried out in a possible manner to achieve the success of the project. According to Othman and Rahman (2010) five aspects can According to the analysis of interviews and surveys carried out during the study of the Procurement Process described in this paper (Rivas 1998), five features can expose the relevance of Procurement: Schedule pressures: Should finish the project within a less possible period, avoid or minimise financial and other indirect costs. Cooperation and coordination with construction: by following the construction schedule procurement. Improvement of the efficiency for procuring supplies will help to save the resources. High relative value: Supplies managed by procurement represents 50%, to 70% of the total cost for the project, it is imperious to have a strict and permanent control of the acquisitions, having in mind the financial approach being represented by such situation. Depends on the operation of the project needed equipments supply by the process of procurement. Potential critical of the supplies: due to important relationships and interrelation between various part of the project. Accurate situation diagnostics of the material purchase function in the construction sector, in relation with the proactive purchase implantation in material purchase functions. Therefore, the significance of this work is in analysing the validation of a purchase area with a new implementation of proactive purchasing. 2.4. Proactive purchasing The concept of proactive purchasing management is also addressed by Carr (1996), who defines proactive purchasing as purchasing willingness to take risks and to effectively use current knowledge to make decisions about the future. Purchasing pro action includes purchasing foresight and purchasing willingness to initiate change. According to Vrijhoef and Koskela (1999) the implementation of proactive purchasing in the construction industry is a challenge. The implementation success is strictly related to the strategies of the activities operation which involve the process of purchasing that guarantees the quality of the process. One tool that can be used to develop a continuous improvement process in the purchasing process is Demings PDCA cycle (1986). Demings PDCA cycle (Source:Wikipedia) According to Moen and Norman (2011), the steps in each successive PDCA cycle are Plan Create the aim and objectives and establish the process to achieve the aim and objectives with the anticipated outcome. Do Implement the plan, execute the process, and make the product. Collect needed data and information to check it in the next process. Check Compare the actual result got from Do stage with the anticipated results in planning stage. Find variations from this study. Charting the collected data may help to see trends over several PDCA cycles and in order to convert the collected data into information. Information is what you need for the next step Act. Act Take severe action on major variations between actual and planned results. Take a good study to identify the reasons for this variation. Find where the changes should be made to improve the process or product. Proactive purchasing starts in project conception, which is usually executed by the engineering or marketing areas. The responsible team for the project considers the enterprises goals and develops solutions for the product, subsystems, and components (Taylor, 2003). The quality assistance area analyses the projects and makes the proper contributions. The purchasing department participates in this process indicating new materials, rating prices quotations, and looking for new suppliers (Lawther and Martin, 2005). The next phase is characterized by the accomplishment of the programming phase of the execution of the project according to the organizational strategy. The purchasing team elaborates the purchase planning, which is based on the enterprises projects and specifications, on the production planning, and the detailed budget that reflects the organizational reality (Donk, 2004). The purchasing process must contain the procedures to put the activities that constitute its routine i nto practice, to avoid that each collaborator acts in a particular way (Andersson and Bernhardsson, 2011). This doesnt mean that the process must be set in stone but that policies should exist that orientate the elaboration of activities. With the application of the structuring of the proactive purchasing process, the team involved with purchasing used most of their time in planning activities, negotiations, and control, what makes the purchasing operational (solicitation, estimating, and purchasing) and faster (Cox et. al.,2005). When the purchase planning is done, it is necessary to effectuate its control and, if necessary, repeat the planning of the activities in order to guarantee that the production area is attended according to the negotiated conditions (Lawther, 2003). The purchasing process must be continuously analysed, so that the process bottlenecks are identified as well as the possibility of aggregating value to the process. As already described by Burt and Pinkerton (1996), the application of proactive purchasing procedures allows the material purchasing process to be focused on strategic actions, which are, the acquisitions planning realization, and also the relationship with the suppliers. Furthermore, the operational phase will likely be faster than in the traditional model, and it also meshes with the necessities of the final customer, that is, to deliver the material in the right quantities, at the right time, and under the best purchasing conditions. 2.5. Material requirement planning According to Acramin and Rahman (2011) the major purpose of material requirement planning is to ensure availability of materials in the future within the certain cost. This procedure includes the monitoring of stocks and, in particular, the automatic creation of procurement proposals for purchasing and production. (Sap, 2001) Material requirements planning to try to strike the best balance possible between Optimizing the service level and Minimizing costs and capital lockup. Four sorts of information use in material requirement planning to decide what material need to be ordered and when it will ordered (Mahbashi, 2007). Each and every product is scheduled to be manufactured. It is described in the master production schedule. Bill of materials, which lists exactly the parts or materials required to make each product. Production cycle times and material needs at each stage of the production cycle. Supplier lead times. The material purchasing process has the responsibility of supplying the customers buying necessities, it is also responsible for the planning in a quantitative and qualitative way. Moreover, it intends to guarantee that the customer will receive the material at the right time, with the right quantities, and within the desired specifications (Burt and, Pinkerton, 1996). In order to execute this important task, the material purchasing function is considered to have a fundamental role in the supply chain. This technical paper uses the proactive purchasing procedure as the purchasing management strategy, and presentation of the concept is very important. Proactive purchasing can be defined as purchasing which is focused on strategic activities. It puts emphasis on long range relationship negotiation activities, expanding the suppliers and materials total cost, instead of doing it in repeated demands and stock repositions (Burt and, Pinkerton, 1996). Making sure of purchasing continuity to keep effective relationships with existing sources, developing other supply alternatives, or attending the emergent or planned necessities, selecting the best suppliers. Keeping solid and cooperative relationships with the other organizational functions, supplying the necessary information, and advising to make sure of the effective operation of the entire organization. Developing the training of employees, and the adoption of procedures organization to make sure to reach the previous goals. Keeping a balance between quality and value, obtaining products and services in the necessary quantity and quality for the lowest cost. Surveying market tendencies. Developing methods to negotiate purchasing conditions to deal with suppliers that look for mutual benefit by means of superior economic performance. Developing and keeping good relationships with the suppliers, besides developing potential suppliers. Emitting and controlling purchasing solicitation. 2.6. Material scheduling Various types of resources are involved in construction projects, including manpower, equipment, materials, money, and space (Taghaddos and Hermann et al, 2010). Here materials are major part of the construction project. Effective scheduling of material is crucial for the success of construction projects (Lasry and Carter et al, 2008). This success implies accomplishing the project on time, in budget and with acceptable quality. Therefore, the concept of material scheduling is introduced to the construction industry as the process of improving the efficiency of the project. Providing such a material schedule is a complicated process, but has a key impact on the total cost and schedule of construction projects (Schwindt, 2005). According to Pinedo (2008) producing a realistic schedule for material in a construction project is a challenging task. It often happens that the construction process begins before enough detailed information is collected. Ensure the material availability without creating an unnecessary inventory is a major challenge to the delivery of material in the construction industry. But it can be done with the very good communication and good schedule with suppliers (Bertelsen and Nielsen 1997 cited Risku and Karkkainen et al, 2000). 2.7. Purchase planning According to USPS (2012), to obtain a best value in any purchase objectives and tactics to be established. Purchase planning is the process to help in this establishment. Effective  purchase  planning is essential to a successful construction project. As such, it needs the coordination and cooperation of a number of purchasing related parties often proves the crucial success of the project. Competing objectives of the construction industry, nature of purchase and its impacts on the project will decide the extent of the purchase planning. The success of large scale purchases, which are those with the potential to impact these objectives, need to be planned for by a purchase team that fully reflects the strategic importance of the purchase, and should involve the teams use of a wide range of supply chain business practices. The success of other purchases will not need the same level of investment, but may require some degree of planning. The good effective purchase plane will lead the project to success. According to Weele (2010), purchasing and supply function can make an important contribution to construction projects results. But many organizations handle both large and small purchases through the same standardized purchasing processes. But three purchasing methods are suggested by Ouhimmou and DAmours et. al, (2007) for different term purchasing. 2.7.1. Strategic planning According to Warszawski (1996), Strategic planning is an essential function in the construction industry and in this level the decisions taken are long ranged. In this, planning is defined as the target and the goals to be reached by the purchase area in the next five years. For Example, to institute no fail in activities that involves material purchases (Diabat and Richard et. al, 2011) 2.7.2. Tactical planning Tactical  production  planning  is a midterm  planning  process and it is concerned with shorter term decisions for purchasing (Aghezzaf and Sitompul et. al, 2009). In this, planning is defined by which and how many resources must be used to reach the goals defined by strategic planning, as well as its acquisition path and the organization of the work structuring. (Edmondson, 1999) 2.7.3. Operational Planning It selects, in a short range time period, the path for necessary operations to reach the goals (Seifert, 2003). These short range plans have a time frame of one year or less. These plans are greatly fallen in the middle and lower levels managers day to day activities. Petty cash purchasing is one of the operational planning methods. Some organizations permit the use of petty cash for small purchases. But because of frequent misuse and the lack of control in the purchasing process, most organizations discourage this practice (Parikh and Joshi, 2005). 2.8. Purchasing and delivery process Weele (2005 cited Otterheim and Strand, 2007) Define purchasing The management of the companys external resource in such a way that the supply of all capabilities, goods, services and knowledge which are essential for running, managing the companys primary and secondary activities is secured at the most favourable conditions Determining the specification of the goods and services that need to be bought Selecting the most suitable supplier and developing procedures and routines to select the best supplier from foreign countries or BOI approval supplier from Sri Lanka Preparing and making negotiations with the supplier to establish an agreement and to write up the contract through the email. Forward the Performa invoice to BOI and Get approval for that certain material. Placing the order with the selected supplier and or develop effected purchase order and handling system. Open the legal contract and delivery dates mentioned in the contract must observe. The supplier and the relevant department must agreed the correct details of the delivery schedule. Monitoring and control of the order and to secure supply (expediting) Clearing process in the port Follow up and evaluation (settling claims, keeping product and supplier files up to date, supplier rating and supplier ranking). 2.9 Construction material management 2.9.1 Material management cycle Construction materials vary from simple items purchased by direct POs to complex tasks that are purchased by sophisticated contract forms (Halpin and Woodhead, 1998). In all cases, several functions and steps comprise the material management process. Each of these functions can give rise to potential problems that need to be solved by the materials management department. Throughout the various sequential steps of materials management, several materials-oriented costs rise. Generally, those costs could be grouped into four major categories, namely, purchase costs, order cost, holding costs, and unavailability cost: The purchase cost The purchase cost of the material means the original unit price of an item added with transportation costs and freight expenses. In the construction industry many discounts are given by suppliers for the bulk orders (Hendrickson, 2000). The acquisition or order cost. The acquisition or ordered cost reflects the administrative expense associated with issuing a PO to an outside supplier. Four cost components typically make up the total acquisition cost; they are requisition, purchasing, receiving, and auditing costs (Zenz, 1994). Figure2. Sequential steps of materials management (Source: Parikh, M. A. and Joshi, K., 2005) The holding or carrying cost The holding or carrying costs are incurred because of the carried volume of inventory. Generally, they are subdivided into three sub-categories, which are capital costs, storage costs, and risk costs (Dobler et al., 1990). Capital costs are those costs or losses due to funds invested (tied-up) in the inventory that can be used for other productive purposes (Dobler et al., 1990). Storage costs are those of warehousing, handling, store workers, and equipment needed for different movements in the warehouse. Risk costs are those that could be incurred due to damage, obsolescence, deterioration, and theft. The unavailability cost. If required material unavailable in desire time then the unavailability cost will occur. Unavailability cost well known as stock out or depletion cost in manufacturing industries. Material shortages will lead the project to delay. Also it will cause to the waste of labour force (Hendrickson, 2000). 2.9.2 Material delivery and inventory control After a PO for a construction material is being submitted to the selected supplier, a period of time, usually called delivery lead time, elapses before the actual delivery of materials to the project warehouse takes place. According to Arnold and Chapman (2001) once materials are delivered, they represent an inventory used during the construction process. In this context, inventories can be regarded as materials stocked to cover upcoming future demand. Since, inventories cost the construction firm whenever the inventory level is more than zero, inventory control is applied to minimize such cost and the various other costs associated with construction materials. Figure 2.5 shows an inventory control chart, as the ones typically used in industrial and manufacturing practices. As noticed, inventoried materials are depleted to satisfy the existing project demands. Meanwhile, new material deliveries are made at specific points in time to compensate for such depletion. Furthermore, due to the uncertainty of lead times, safety stocks are commonly instated to counterbalance any late materials delivery and keep production non-stopped. There are several schemes for making material orders, such as, the cyclical or fixed order interval system, just-in-time (JIT) approach, material requirement planning (MRP) systems, fixed order quantity system (Dobler et al., 1990). And additional to that some construction industry using the software. The most popular software models use for Procurement in construction industries are, Build smart J D Edward Great Plan These software are best to monitor what you ordered and what has been delivered to site and what is the balance to be delivered to the site and when is going to happen. And also trade wise we can summarize the actual cost incurred for every single item in the BOQ by giving specific cost quotes to each trade and get the summary every month. This will go to the financial report of the moth.   Basically we can monitor the ordered materials from this software but it wont control any delays. The procurement basically from two parties, Local Suppliers. Overseas Suppliers. 2.10. Some delivery methods in the construction industry 2.10.1. Material requirement planning Material Requirements Planning (MRP) is the process that based on a software. The manufacturing process can manage by MRP inventory system. Although it is not common nowadays, MRP can conduct by hand as well. ( According to ERP (2008) the aim of MRP system achieves three objectives simultaneously: Make sure the availability of the materials to the production and delivery it on time. Maintain the inventory level as low as possible. Plan manufacturing activities, delivery schedules and purchasing activities Logic of MRP In construction industry MRP mainly using for calculating the required materials and the time period (Slack, 2001). For the effective output there are three inputs are essential. Those are bill of material, inventory data and master production schedule. Here two main outputs namely planned order releases and reschedule notices (Lunn, 1992). As stated by Starr (1996), the MRP is suitable for products that do not satisfy the order point policy (OPP) models, which demand of the end product is independent or an end product orders may be placed periodically. Master production schedule According to Ong (2002) the Master Production Schedule (MPS) is the very essential thing to drive the MRP system. The main function of MPS identifies the required amount of material that should be manufactured. Bill of material Also Ong (2002) stated Bill of Material (BOM) is another major part of the MRP, which clarifies the structure of an independent demand item. A bill of material is: a listing of all of the sub assemblies, intermediates, parts, and raw materials that go into a parent assembly showing the quantity of each required to make an assembly (Starr, 1996). Inventory data Inventory data are the thing that helps to identify the inventory status to calculate the net requirement in MRP (Slack et al, 2001). MRP calculation MPS, BOM, Inventory data will use in MRP to establish the planned order release and reschedule notices (Lunn, 1992). The figure 2.5 shows generally how the MRP performs the calculations by using the logic (Slack et al, 2001). 2.10.2. Just-in-time In face of the challenges of global competition, business firms are concentrating more on the needs of customers and seeking ways to reduce costs, improve quality and meet the ever-rising expectation of their customers. To these ends, many of them have identified logistics as an area to build cost and service advantages. On the other hand, the Just-in-Time (JIT) management approach, which has long been proven effective in the manufacturing sector in increasing quality, productivity and efficiency, improving communication and decreasing costs and waste, might enhance the chances of firms to achieve cost and service advantages through logistics. (Lai and Cheng) Just in time (JIT) stimulates new directions of planning and performing activities in manufacturing systems: its effects are significant in improving the overall performance of whole organization. Conceptually, JIT is an approach that combines apparently conflicting objectives of low cost, high quality, manufacturing flexibility and delivery dependability. In short, JIT is a system that produces the required item at the time and in the quantities needed (Chung and Barkar, 2001cited Gunansekaran and Lyu, 1997) However, the potential of JIT has not been widely recognized in logistics as compared to in manufacturing. Similar to manufacturing, logistics employs processes that add value to the basic inputs used to create the end product. As the focus of JIT is on business processes, not products, the management principles of JIT can be replicated and applied in logistics. This book sets out to explore the possibilities of employing JIT to manage logistics activities, and provide an introduction to the application of JIT in the major areas of business logistics, which mainly deals with inter-organizational move-store activities (Lai and Cheng) Just-in-time principle JIT had many definitions, some of the common definitions are: (Chung and Barkar, 2001) A system that produces the required item at the time and in the quantities needed. A manufacturing system where the parts that are required to complete the finished products are produced or arrive at the assembly site as they are needed. A philosophy that centres on the elimination of waste in the manufacturing process. An inventory control philosophy whose goal is to maintain just enough materials in just the right place at just the right time to make just the right amount of product. The exact number of required units is brought to each successive stage of production at the appropriate time. Capital requirements reduced rework inventories of purchased parts, raw materials, work-in-progress and finished goods 2.10.3. Fixed re order point and fixed order quantity In this model describes the dependency of average expenses for goods holding, ordering and losses from deficit per time unit on two control parameters the order quantity and reorder point. (Kopytov and Greenglaz 2004 cited Muravjovs and Burakov, 2007) We consider a single-product stochastic inventory control model under the following conditions. The demand for goods is a Poisson process with intensity ÃŽÂ ». At the moment of time, when the stock level falls to certain level r, a new order is placed. The quantity R is called as reorder point. The order quantity Q is constant. We suppose that. The lead time L (time between placing an order and receiving it) has a normal distribution with a mean RQ†°Ã‚ ¥LÃŽÂ ¼ and a standard deviation Là Ã†â€™. There is the possible situation of deficit, when demand during lead time exceeds the value of reorder point R. We suppose that in case of deficit the last cannot be covered by expected order (Muravjovs and Burakov, 2007) Denote as Z the quantity of goods in stock at the time moment immediately after order receiving. We can determine this quantity of goods Z as a function of demand during lead time L: Expression (1) is basic. It allows expressing different economical indexes of considered process. Let T is the duration of a cycle. Length of the cycle consists of two parts: time T1 between receiving the goods and placing a new order and lead time L, i.e. 2.10.4. Cyclical or fixed order interval system In this model the order quantity is determined as the difference between the fixed stock level and quantity of goods at the moment of ordering. The analytical description of the second model has been considered by the authors in the work (Kopytov et al. 2006 cited Muravjovs and Burakov, 2007). Let us consider the model 2 with a fixed time T of the cycle, i.e. with fixed time between neighbouring moments of placing the orders (see Fig. 2). It is a single-product stochastic inventory control model under the following conditions. The demand for goods is a Poisson process with intensity ÃŽÂ ». The lead time L has a normal distribution with a mean LÃŽÂ ¼ and a standard deviation Là Ã†â€™. We suppose that lead time essentially less as time of the cycle (Muravjovs and Burakov, 2007) There is the possible situation of deficit, when the demand during the time between neighbouring moments of orders receiving exceeds the quantity of goods in stock Z at the time moment immediately after order receiving. Analogously model 1 we suppose that in case of deficit the last cannot be covered by expected order. We denote as S the goods quantity which is needed ideally for one period and it equals to the sum (Muravjovs and Burakov, 2007) Where TD is the average demand for cycle time; is the some safety stock. In the given sentence we suppose that ideally S gives us in the future the minimum of total ex

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

William Faulkners A Rose for Emily Essay -- A Rose for Emily, William

William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily"   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"A Rose for Emily,† is the remarkable story of Emily Grierson, whose death and funeral drew the attention of the town. The bizarre outcome is further emphasized throughout by the symbolism of the decaying house, which parallels Miss Emily’s physical deterioration and demonstrates her ultimate mental disintegration. Emily’s life, like the house which decays around her, suffers from lack of genuine love and care.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The characteristics of Miss Emily’s house, like her physical appearance, are brought about by years of neglect. For example, the house is located in what was once a prominent neighborhood that has deteriorated. Originally white and decorated in â€Å"the heavily lightsome style† of an earlier time, the house has become â€Å"an eyesore among eyesores†(177). The description of her house represents a place side by side of the past and present and was an emblematic presentation of Emily herself. Through lack of attention the house has evolved from a beautiful representative of quality to an ugly holdover from another era. Similarly, Miss Emily became an eyesore; for example, she was first described as a â€Å"fallen monument†(177) to suggest her former grandeur and her later ugliness. She was a â€Å"monument,† an ideal of past values but fallen because she had shown herself susceptible to death and decay. According Fetterley, †Å"the violence implicit in the desire to see the monument fall†(194). Like the house, she has lost her beauty....

Monday, November 11, 2019


Visa Malay inducted professional management and implement different methods and theories to develop the company to globalize the company. Since then Kingfisher has gone on to become the undisputed ‘king' in the Indian beer market. Kingfisher today has impressive spread of manufacturing facilities throughout the whole country. Quality and hygiene are the key elements for its marketing philosophy success. Its flagship brand ‘Kingfisher', has achieved international recognition consistently, and has won many awards in International Beer Festivals. KingfisherPremium Lager beer is currently available in 52 countries and leads the way amongst Indian beers in the International market. It has been ranked amongst the top 10 fastest growing brands in the I-J. Today each one of the 32,000 Beer outlets in India sells one brand or the other from United Breweries. United Breweries limited has a 48% share in the Indian beer market. S. W. O. T (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Thre ats) Analysis A SOOT analysis is a structured approach to evaluating the strategic position of a business by identifying its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.It provides a simple method of synthesizing the results of the marketing audit. Strength Kingfisher is a true global Indian icon and is also known today as a premium worldwide brand. It has the strongest worldwide distribution system and is available in 52 countries worldwide. It is a worldwide known brand with sponsorship in Formulae, Indian Premier League and title sponsors of England and Wales Cricket Board's National Championship knock out competition due to this it has excellent brand visibility. It also has huge financial backing from PUB Group. WeaknessKingfisher usually focuses on strong beer market as it is mostly favored in India but not in other countries and thus market growth is slow. Due to the current high demand and worldwide distribution system many opportunities are lost as there is less availa bility. Opportunity Due to the current trend of beer among the young people Kingfisher has a lot of benefit by global market expansion. The changing culture and lifestyle of Indian people has also increased the beer consumption. Threats The alcohol industry is highly taxed and has certain regulations thus has a lot of impact on Kingfisher.Advertising for alcohol has been banned in India as it is considered to be a taboo. Negative perceptions about alcoholic beverages are widely common. Kingfisher faces huge competition from international companies like Heinlein, Scrabbles and Budweiser. P. E. S. T. L. E Analysts 2 PESTLE stands for political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental. PESTLE analysis is a process, to help understand the overall market environment for a particular industry, business, product, or project. It is often a key part of strategic marketing and business planning.PESTLE allows an organization to go in depth into heir current status and weakness es. Political factors:- Minimum drinking age The minimum drinking age in India is 21 years whereas in European countries is 18 thus minimum drinking age affects the alcohol business in an important way. People below the permitted age cannot consume alcohol even if they want to. Kingfisher beer is adversely affected in terms of sales. Banned advertisements India is a youth country thus advertising of alcohol products has been a subject of continuous debate between the government, the alcohol industry, health groups, policy makers and the public.Advertising in alcohol industry is done for brand choice and also it is a fair tool but banning advertising reduces market entry of new firms and thus also reduces awareness among the consumers about the product. Economic factors:- Taxation and Policies India has a very large youth population and strong beer is mostly favored but still growth of beer has some restrictions and complications which are in the form of taxes and policies implemente d by the state governments.Taxes and policies are different from state to state and some states do not allow alcoholic products brewed and manufactured from other states. The highest taxes are mostly levied by northern states such as Attar Pradesh, Punjab, Maharajah's and Delhi. All of this has a great impact on the sales of United Breweries and other brands but there are also many obstacles such as the government has banned the advertisements of any sorts for alcoholic products. Economic growth and per capita income With more than 60% of Indians younger than age 25 consumption of alcohol is likely to increase in the coming years.Due to continuous growth rate and growing economy people are getting richer day by day and also are their preferences as more people re drinking beers and spirits which is a very good sign for the growing alcohol industry. With the growing middle class and modern retail formats, taxation policies adopted by the state governments will act in favor of the gro wing beer industry in the coming future which will help united breweries and other brands in achieving their desired goals. Socio-cultural factors:- Cultural restriction India is a country with many religions and some of the religions prohibit drinking alcohol.This has a huge impact on the sales of alcohol brands. Violence through alcohol There is strong association between violence and drinking. Violent behavior is occurred in all communities it is caused mainly due to over consumption of alcohol. Alcohol abuse and violence is caused mainly due to poor parental modeling and mental stress. Drunken driving cases are some of the main causes of highway accidents. But through proper social norms and public education, violence and alcohol abuse can be tackled. Individual factors also play a very important role.Population India is the second largest country in terms of population and PUB group has a unique rand name thus people tend to consume their products. PUB group has a 48% share in the beer market that's why it is known as the king of beer market in India. Technological factors:- Scientific studies In a recent scientific research it has been confirmed that people who drink moderately have a lower risk of premature death as compared to people who do not drink at all. Consumption of alcohol moderately leads to a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases and obesity whereas people who drink in excess have a negative impact on their health. Distillery effluent treatment Compared to western countries where concentration of spent wash and its usage as an animal additive is a common practice, this process is not followed in India because Indian spent wash contains a higher level of inorganic substances which are found to produce a laxative effect if the consumption of feed is not monitored. Environmental factors:- Pollution A lot of water pollution is caused when the beer is made, the manufacturing of beer consists of three processes namely preparation of malt, beer wo rth and fermentation.These processes involve a lot of rinsing and cleaning as beer is made of barley and alt is prepared from it for brewing. The wastewater contains a lot of solids, detergents, soluble and insoluble organic materials. The wastewater is almost three times more concentrated than sewage but there are no toxic contaminants and most of the water is biodegradable. To meet the quality of discharge standards anaerobic biological treatment is done so that the organic concentration of wastewater is reduced.Legal environment:- Age factor In most European countries the age of drinking is 18 but in India where people are allowed to vote at this age are not permitted to drink. In India the alcohol consumption is allowed after 21 years but in some states it is 25. Despite the number of people who are below the ages of 25 years the beer industry has a huge potential if the current drinking age is lowered. Alcohol is considered a taboo in India as the culture and traditions are dif ferent than that of western countries. 5 Market Analysis:- The beer industry is still growing in India and it is estimated to be over 30 billion (in rupees).Overall annual consumption of beer is around 23000 million elites (fugues of 2011) the beer industry is growing at a yearly rate of 7% to 9%. The major players of beer industry are Gabrielle and United Breweries. The beer industry is likely to face more competition from foreign brands such as Scrabbles, Heinlein, Budweiser and Corona. Beer markets like USA and Europe have seen a flat growth whereas consumption in the Indian market has increased tremendously. In India beer sales have seen a rapid increase as compared to other alcoholic drinks.International beer companies like Budweiser, Scrabbles and Heinlein are well established in western countries but are still facing tough competition from Kingfisher which is the king in he beer industry of India with a 48% share. With more than 80% of market controlled by united breweries an d Gabrielle, foreign brands are yet to find their feet on the ground. Kingfisher posted a profit before tax of RSI. 1475 million in the first quarter of this year ending on 30th June 2012. Strong beer continued to dominate with a growth of 23% in sales volume.Intensity of rivalry The intensity of rivalry competitors is quite moderate as in case there is quite a rise in regulatory and legal burdens, manufacturers get together so that competition between them is lowered as they have to ensure their profit. Threat of new competitors The Indian beer industry is currently growing thus it is attractive for new players but with the dominant force of United breweries and Gabrielle already established it has been very difficult for foreign brewers to expand and overthrow Kingfisher which is currently leading in beer consumption.Threat of substitute Brands like Kingfisher face further competition from substitutes like wine, vodka and whiskey, which are mostly favored in India as beer industry is still developing, it still has to get a bigger consumer base which spirits do have but due to the changing rend and growing Indian youth population beer industry best is yet to come.Suppliers bargaining power Barley which is the most important product for brewing is quite cheaper and available in plenty and other inputs used to brew are also cheaper as there is a huge number of suppliers thus suppliers have less bargaining power. 6 Customers bargaining power It has been seen that customers are more powerful when their purchases form a large portion of seller's sales but if there are less number of players in the market people don't look at the quality but the product and thus they have less control over rice.Classification of beer Lager Ale Stout Creamy Ale Malt Plainer Porter Age Kingfisher mild For young people Just for fun People who drink for the first time mainly for experience Kingfisher strong People who drink regularly Those who want beer to be stronger mostly favored by people 25 and above ‘THE KING OF GOOD TIMES' As the punch line suggests Kingfisher has positioned its brand for people who want to socialize, party or have fun. 7 Customer Analysis:- The beer industry in India has a wide consumer base and people rink alcoholic beverages mostly for celebrating an event or socializing.Unlike western countries people in India are allowed to consume alcohol after the age of 21 in most states and spirits are given more preference. United breweries have a strong base in spirit and beer industries. Kingfisher is at the top of the list in consumption of beer. Consumer behavior India is a developing country with a large population of middle-class people thus people tend to consume beer occasionally. Whiskey, vodka and wine were given more preference but the beer industry is yet to reach its potential and is growing at a very cast rate.Products like Kingfisher and Harvard's 5000 have shown excellent progress so far as they are already established in th e beer industry. International brands like Budweiser, Heinlein and Scrabbles are still struggling to establish their brand among the people as they are expensive than Kingfisher and Harvard's products, this is mainly due to taxes and regulations by the state governments which usually are hard on alcoholic companies. In a recent survey it was shown that one in three beers drunk in India were of Kingfisher's. Consumers always prefer the cheapest product ND good value which Kingfisher effectively delivers.Recommendations:- Kingfisher is famous for its marketing and sponsorships in major sporting events and spends a lot of money on it per year. It should concentrate on innovation and development of new products which will help it increase its brand value in other western countries where there is even a larger market for its product and there are no restrictions on advertising. Retailing its beers with more number of large departmental stores. Advertising its brand ‘Kingfisher' by entering into different industries like water, soda of which advertising is allowed. This will lead to more brand awareness.Developing innovative and new packaging for its beer. It should concentrate on innovation of a new product which has elements of a spirit and a beer. 8 Conclusion:- Kingfisher has a huge potential of expanding the beer market in India as the per capita income of the people is rising and so is the consumption. Kingfisher also has a kind of monopoly over other brands as it is already well established and sells its product at a cheaper rate than the new competitors entering the Indian beer industry. The negative perceptions about alcohol consumption have gone down and he beer industry will definitely show a lot of growth in the coming years.

Friday, November 8, 2019


CLIENT SERVER essays Client/Server computing has become the model for new information architecture. This technology will take enterprise wide computing into the 21st century. Computing power has rapidly become distributed and interconnected throughout many organizations through networks of all types of computers. Networked computer systems are taking the form of client/server computing. With client/server computing, end users can handle a broad range of information processing tasks. This included data entry, inquiry response, updating databases, and providing decision support. How do the client/server systems at Helene Curtis illustrate the benefits of client/server computing? The client/server system allows the sales reps the ability to tap into the database to retrieve data about product sales and promotions. The reps cans tap into the systems with their palmpads. The palmpad are hand held computers linking the reps to the company's database system. With the information retrieved, the reps can give store managers fact based advice on products, promotions, and fill orders. The immediate feedback informs the reps where and which products are selling best and the promotion used to sell. The palmpad is way to maintain good relations with retailers, who pass the service to the customers. " Client/Server computing allows many users to share common data resources, including files and databases as well as computer storage and printers. Sharing data and information eliminates the need for personal management of data and/or peripheral devices. Finally, client/server computing allows the integration of geographically distributed users and computing resources into a cohesive computer and communication environment (Senn, 1995, p. 404)." The palmpads let the field sales reps visit, on average, one more store a day. How might this be a competitive advantage for Helene Curtis? Retailers require and expect special services from manufacturers. The ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Webinars in Education

Webinars in Education A webinar is a synchronous distance education, synchronized with live instructors. Instant messaging applications like AIM, Skype, Pidgin, BigBlueButton and web conferencing are very useful in conducting webinars. The tutor, while factoring in the knowledge level of the trainees/participants, spearheads the session. This form of learning allows learners and their tutor(s) to interact in a similar way as in an actual classroom.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Webinars in Education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Students or trainees ask questions and prompt feedback is given to them in an interactive style (Hrastinski, 2008). Students are able to make prompt clarifications that would only be made in an actual classroom set up. Therefore, the webinars are an imitation of a real classroom and they allow trainees and their moderators to interact and share information. Thematic change in synchronous learning is sudden an d usually not anticipated by trainees/students. Webinars are speedy because so much is to be achieved within a short period of time. As a result, there is usually interference as students continue to give input to old themes while a moderator is already establishing new themes (Synchronous Course Delivery, 2012). The time taken to internalize ideas and type any comment is long to the extent that moderators will have proceeded to subsequent themes. The occurrence of multiple time zones is challenging because the participants cannot participate and engage in thoughtful discussions and assignment in the same way. When it is night-time, some participants may be very exhausted and will not have the enthusiasm required to actively participate in the seminar sessions. Alternatively, the session may conflict with the busy schedules for some trainees (Synchronous Course Delivery, 2012). References Hrastinski, S. (2008). A study of asynchronous and synchronous e-learning methods discovered th at each supports different purposes. EDUCAUSE QUARTERLY, 4, 51-55.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Macaulay, L., Dyer, L. (2011, November 14). Interactive web conferencing brings big benefits to the online classroom. Faculty Focus. Web. Relearning Learning- Applying the Long Tail to Learning [MITVIDEO]. Web. Synchronous Course Delivery. (2012). Elearning Faculty Modules. Web.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Child Labour in the Global Economy Dissertation

Child Labour in the Global Economy - Dissertation Example Children had been historically involved in a variety of jobs ranging from agricultural and farming to industrial and manufacturing jobs. But, this conventional idea employing children in the aforementioned fields is rapidly changing as most often it is their parents who force their offspring into laborious activities. A survey conducted by ILO across 36 less developed economies reported a fraction of the 25 percent children employed in economically active jobs to be working for others. In addition, most of them work without pay with dominance of such form of exploitation more prevalent in urban than in rural areas. UNICEF reported this figure at 4.2 percent in case of rural regions and 5.2 percent for urban areas, for LDCs. Furthermore, out of the few children who work for others, nearly 6 percent do not earn any wage; such situation normally arises in cases when parents hold their children as collaterals while accepting loans and default payments on the same owing to poverty (Edmond s & Pavcnik, 2005, p. 202). Figure 1 alongside summarises the outcome of a survey conducted by ILO in 2006 to comprehend the change in occurrence of child labour across the world through 2000-2004. It shows the highest concentration of child labour in Sub-Saharan Africa followed by Asia-Pacific areas. Child labour is found to have dropped drastically in Latin America and Caribbean with a reduction of more than 10 percent of the total child population over the region. On the whole, the scenario has improved for child labour throughout the world within a span of four years.... But, this conventional idea employing children in the aforementioned fields is rapidly changing as most often it is their parents who force their offspring into laborious activities. A survey conducted by ILO across 36 less developed economies reported a fraction of the 25 percent children employed in economically active jobs to be working for others. In addition, most of them work without pay with dominance of such form of exploitation more prevalent in urban than in rural areas. UNICEF reported this figure at 4.2 percent in case of rural regions and 5.2 percent for urban areas, for LDCs. Furthermore, out of the few children who work for others, nearly 6 percent do not earn any wage; such situation normally arises in cases when parents hold their children as collaterals while accepting loans and default payments on the same owing to poverty (Edmonds & Pavcnik, 2005, p. 202). Figure 1 alongside summarises the outcome of a survey conducted by ILO in 2006 to comprehend the change in oc currence of child labour across the world through 2000-2004. It shows the highest concentration of child labour in Sub-Saharan Africa followed by Asia-Pacific areas. Child labour is found to have dropped drastically in Latin America and Caribbean with a reduction of more than 10 percent of the total child population over the region. On the whole, the scenario has improved for child labour throughout the world within a span of four years. This fact has an obvious implication that the world is indeed developing at a fast pace and in a homogeneous pattern. Figure 2 on the other hand, emphasises upon the kinds of jobs that children between 5 and 14 years of age, are employed in. It shows a majority of them to be employed in agricultural and farming

Saturday, November 2, 2019

A Case of Mistreatment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

A Case of Mistreatment - Term Paper Example Moreover, I will also look at the long-term effects of gender differences to the way they handle new situations and environments. The various new situations and environment that I have decided to discuss are new workplace, new residential place, new social places, and new schooling environments. As shown by my previous paper genders differ in various aspects. There are either psychological differences, social differences or even biological differences. Psychological difference includes gender stereotype, the size of memory, activities they engage, physical activeness, vulnerability, degree of anxiety and degree of empathy (Sigelman and Rider 1). According to Worell (281), Gender stereotype is the psychological traits believed to be more characteristic in one sex than the other and can include verbal skills, mathematical ability and technological ability. Social differences on the other hand include gender roles and their interaction ability. As Parke and Clarke-Stewart (333) states, the biological differences between males and females result due to genetic factors, evolution differences, differences in hormonal functions and differences in their brain functioning. As my previous work show, different aspects of life shape differences. Most of them result from our cultural bel ieves and society’s values. These two plays a very big role in determining how people of a specific gender should behave and how their other counterpart should behave in certain situations. Culture also defines the responsibility of a specific gender and draws gender boundaries. As my previous paper also shows, another factor that molds gender behavior thus resulting to gender differences is the orientation of the person. During their upbringing boy and girls are brought up differently thus making them to differ in term of their reactions to situation and other aspects of life. Some of the results of gender differences as indicated by my previous work are a difference in behavior patterns, choice of actions, preference professions and emotions handling and expression. Another difference is revealed by how the two groups create and maintain relationships. Because of this, the challenges encountered by females differ greatly from the challenges encountered by their male counter parts. This also makes the life strategies used by individual in the either side of the divide very different and in addition makes the adaptability ability to differ from one gender to another. This is what made me conclude in my previous paper that there is a significant difference in term of how males and females reacts and handles different aspects of life. However, my previous work contained some limitations since the research was done to a particular age group of people to achieve a generalized conclusion. In my previous work, I used children aged between 6 years and 13 years whose characteristics might differ greatly from that of their adult counterparts. There were also intra gender differences that showed to bring significant effect to my findings like the personal identity and age of a person. Throughout life, different people encounter different new environments. The first new environment is encountered as a child when one starts going to school or when one is transferred to a new school. Moreover, as the curriculum requires, you have to move to new schools as you advance in education thus encountering new environments. The process of encountering new environments does not end with childhood. As an adult, after completing your education you start to work. That company or organization that you start your career in is definitely a new environment. This is not the sole place that